My name is Kerone Gordon. I print t-shirts.
My Story
One day I received an order for a large amount of t-shirts. The customer requested that I folded the t-shirts;
I thought to myself, no problem, this would be easy task for me to do.
In hindsight this was not such an easy request. After spending multiple days printing t-shirts. I was not looking forward to the tedious task of also folding them. After doing an extensive search on Google there was nothing in my price range that was capable of helping me accomplish my task. I needed something that was lightweight, didn't take up much space, and was affordable. I decided to create such a device, and bring it to market in the year of January 2020 during covid lockdown.
After many years of development, and listening to customer feedback. I have the ATF 1000 and the ATF 2000. These machines are built by myself in house.
I have studied as an electrical engineer.
I am proud and excited to take an idea from concept to reality.
My vision is to continue to create amazing products that will give people the ability to maximize their workflow.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
646 519-1435